SWAASTHYA RAKSHANA KIT In order to experience and understand the environment around us the five organs of sense (Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue and Skin) play a very major role. These five senses in order to function properly one has to be healthy. HOW IS DISEASE CAUSED? The five organs of sense are the gate way for disease. The ill functioning of the senses are the main cause for attack of disease. The virus present outside the body will enter the ill functioning body and this can be easily prevented by the use of “Shree Sharada Swaasthya Kit”.
By following and practicing this we can have a Healthy body and mind.
Eyes :- There is a saying that “सर्वन्द्रे ियाणाांनयनांप्रधानम sarveendriy ् āṇāṁ nayanaṁ pradhānam”, accordingly eye is a sense organ which plays the role of bridging medium between the outer world we see and our inner self. It represents “Fire Element (Agni Tattva)”. Washing the eyes daily will help in clear viewing.
Nose :- “नासोन्द्रि न्द्रिरसा द्वारम ्nāsoohi śirasā dvāram”, Nose represents “Earth Element (Prithvi Tattva)”. By doing Nasya (Nasal Drops) the nerves of brain will become active. Neck and chest will become strong.
Mouth & Throat :- Tongue is an important organ which helps us in experiencing different tastes and good discharge of saliva through salivary glands will help in digestion of the food. Tongue represents “Water Element (Jala Tattva)”. By practicing Kavala-Gangūṣa helps us in preventing illness and maintaining robust health. It also helps in maintaining oral hygiene and keeping wind pipe and food pipe in healthy and good condition. Kavala means Kavala dravya is allowed to move in the oral cavity for specific time. Gangūṣa means holding liquid drugs in buccal cavity for a specific period with moving the drugs.
Ears :- It is also called as the window of our head. By performing Karnapurana (Ear Drops) and other treatments, listening will become sharp. The communication power and sensitivity of the nerves their by will increase.
Skin :- It is the natural protection received by our parents. Skin and its 7 layers helps in organized and systematic working of the internal organs and also provides protection from the disease causing viruses which are present in the environment.
“अभ्यङ्गां न्द्रनत्यमाचरते abhya ् ṅgaṁ nityamācareet” Performing (abhyaṅga) Oil massage daily will help in eliminating the toxins from entering the body through the pores of the skin. It also stimulates the nerves and delays aging, relives fatigue and promotes beauty of the skin.
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